開放對象: 113 學年度第1學期入學新生
Applicable to: Academic Year 2024~2025 Fall Semester New Students
開放時間: 因不同管道入學之學生可上傳文件的時間不盡相同,請依入學通知或報到結果通知載明之期間上傳指定文件。
Opening Period : As the time at which students can upload documents through different entrance program varies, please upload the required documents before the deadline according to the period specified in the admission notice or registration result notice.
1. 文件為入學資格審核使用,請彩色掃描(或拍照)清晰可辨視之下列文件正本,每項文件電子檔不可超過1M。各項文件範本可參考此說明
  The submitted documents are used for eligible for admission, the document must be clearly identifiable color scan of the original (or take a digital photograph). Each file must not exceed 1MB. Please refer to instruction for documents samples.
  (A) 一般新生:
  (B) 運優生、身障生、四技二專生:
  (C) 轉學生:
  (D) 僑生、陸生、外國學生:
    Overseas Chinese Students, Mainland China Students, and International Students:
    (1) Identification (Passport bio data page or ARC front side and back side) (PDF format file) (2) Academic certificates (PDF format file) (3) Transcript (PDF format file) (4) Recent passport-size photo (JPG format file) (5) Letter of Authorization (PDF format file) (6) Letter of admission issued by University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students (PDF format file)
    *Please click on the link to download “Letter of Authorization” and fill it out, then upload a scanned PDF format file from a photocopy or a faxed copy.
2. 未上傳文件或文件內容審核不通過者,將取消入學資格。
  The admission will be cancelled if documents are not uploaded or disqualified.
3. 學生可於上傳文件三週後,登入查看審核結果。
  After 3 weeks of uploading documents, students can log in to see the results.
4. 若有疑問,請洽詢註冊組 (Tel:02-26215656#2210、2366、2367、2368、2732、2907;e-mail:athx@oa.tku.edu.tw)。
  If you have any queries, please contact Registration Section (Tel:02-26215656#2210、2366、2367、2368、2732、2907;e-mail:athx@oa.tku.edu.tw).